The Personal Budget Spreadsheet helps with tracking, managing and calculating your income, expenses, and savings. The first sheet is a Personal Budget sheet that holds records of income, expenditure and savings details of an individual on a monthly basis. - Personal Loans Spending Plan Pie Chart Housing 35% Savings 10% Other Living Expenses 25% Debt 15% Transportation 15% OO PP RR A H . c o mA H . c o m Please note: This is general advice. You should consult with your own financial advisor before making any major financial decisions, including investments or changes to your portfolio. Note that there are some expenses that are locked in, meaning you can’t change them. Generally your car loan, mortgage or rent, and credit card payments fall under this umbrella. Other expenses, most of which you’ll pay out of your 25% living allotment, are more flexible. This is where you should scale back if your pie chart is out of whack.