Flowing oil bible debunked

In fact, the owner of the Bible actually gives away vials of the oil for free, and people are allowed to freely dip their hands into it. The oil has been submitted to a chemist for testing, and he confirmed that it is oil, but it doesn’t appear to be any sort of oil that is produced by man. In fact, the owner of the Bible actually gives away vials of the oil for free, and people are allowed to freely dip their hands into it. The oil has been submitted to a chemist for testing, and he confirmed that it is oil, but it doesn’t appear to be any sort of oil that is produced by man. But it is based on the claims that a Bible in Dalton GA is leaking holy oil by the gallons. I received a vial of this oil by the way of interesting circumstances (all detailed in the video below) and then test it by asking the spirits about it.

James 5:14 - Is anyone among you sick? Then he must call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the  Back in January of 2017 a Bible in Dalton, Georgia began to get supernaturally saturated with oil, and eventually it overflowed, dripping and flowing slowly out of   19 Feb 2020 A couple of years ago, a ministry by the name His Name is Flowing Oil was hosted by a local church in our community for a series of special  2 Aug 2004 Church artifacts with miraculous powers: Weeping/bleeding statues. horizontal rule. Sponsored link. horizontal rule. About statues in Roman  Once the oil saturated that part of the Bible, it appeared in Genesis and spread toward Psalms until the entire Bible was saturated. As the oil continued to flow from this 17 year old book, it was placed in a plastic bag. The oil was emptied into bigger and bigger containers until it was finally placed in a large plastic tub where it resides today. The oil then appeared in Genesis 1 and continued through the Old Testament back to Psalm 39, saturating the entire Bible. It was then moved to a series of plastic containers where it continues to flow out slowly. They stated that the Lord has told them, “Give it away SO I can replenish it.”.

But it is based on the claims that a Bible in Dalton GA is leaking holy oil by the gallons. I received a vial of this oil by the way of interesting circumstances (all detailed in the video below) and then test it by asking the spirits about it.

In fact, the owner of the Bible actually gives away vials of the oil for free, and people are allowed to freely dip their hands into it. The oil has been submitted to a chemist for testing, and he confirmed that it is oil, but it doesn’t appear to be any sort of oil that is produced by man. In fact, the owner of the Bible actually gives away vials of the oil for free, and people are allowed to freely dip their hands into it. The oil has been submitted to a chemist for testing, and he confirmed that it is oil, but it doesn’t appear to be any sort of oil that is produced by man. But it is based on the claims that a Bible in Dalton GA is leaking holy oil by the gallons. I received a vial of this oil by the way of interesting circumstances (all detailed in the video below) and then test it by asking the spirits about it. The oil was still flowing when I called my mom and floored her and my dad with the story. As I drove further away from the church and the Bible, the oil began to slow. Around 30 minutes after I left the church, it had stopped and my ears were just oily like the rest of my head, neck and arms.

14 Feb 2020 For most of the last three-plus years, one of the “latest big things” in the charismatic/Pentecostal world had been unfolding out of Dalton, 

Back in January of 2017 a Bible in Dalton, Georgia began to get supernaturally saturated with oil, and eventually it overflowed, dripping and flowing slowly out of   19 Feb 2020 A couple of years ago, a ministry by the name His Name is Flowing Oil was hosted by a local church in our community for a series of special  2 Aug 2004 Church artifacts with miraculous powers: Weeping/bleeding statues. horizontal rule. Sponsored link. horizontal rule. About statues in Roman  Once the oil saturated that part of the Bible, it appeared in Genesis and spread toward Psalms until the entire Bible was saturated. As the oil continued to flow from this 17 year old book, it was placed in a plastic bag. The oil was emptied into bigger and bigger containers until it was finally placed in a large plastic tub where it resides today. The oil then appeared in Genesis 1 and continued through the Old Testament back to Psalm 39, saturating the entire Bible. It was then moved to a series of plastic containers where it continues to flow out slowly. They stated that the Lord has told them, “Give it away SO I can replenish it.”. In fact, the owner of the Bible actually gives away vials of the oil for free, and people are allowed to freely dip their hands into it. The oil has been submitted to a chemist for testing, and he confirmed that it is oil, but it doesn’t appear to be any sort of oil that is produced by man.

13 Feb 2020 A group of chemists and a local newspaper have busted a local church that has been luring in followers by claiming to have an oil-secreting 

26 Mar 2019 It's now a two-year-old-mystery: how have 200 gallons of oil poured out of an ordinary Bible in Georgia? People have been speculating,  [MEDIA] True or false , what do you think guys ? 13 Feb 2020 A group of chemists and a local newspaper have busted a local church that has been luring in followers by claiming to have an oil-secreting  It seems Jerry owns the bible leaking oil and Mr Johnny Taylor is the preacher spreading emotional, fired up, false teachings related to it. He is a total Word of faith 

Supposedly, Jerry Pearce and Johnny Taylor had gotten their hands on a Bible that was flowing with oil. Pearce and Taylor have shown off the Bible at Dalton’s Wink Theater on a weekly basis

In fact, the owner of the Bible actually gives away vials of the oil for free, and people are allowed to freely dip their hands into it. The oil has been submitted to a chemist for testing, and he confirmed that it is oil, but it doesn’t appear to be any sort of oil that is produced by man.

In fact, the owner of the Bible actually gives away vials of the oil for free, and people are allowed to freely dip their hands into it. The oil has been submitted to a chemist for testing, and he confirmed that it is oil, but it doesn’t appear to be any sort of oil that is produced by man. In fact, the owner of the Bible actually gives away vials of the oil for free, and people are allowed to freely dip their hands into it. The oil has been submitted to a chemist for testing, and he confirmed that it is oil, but it doesn’t appear to be any sort of oil that is produced by man. But it is based on the claims that a Bible in Dalton GA is leaking holy oil by the gallons. I received a vial of this oil by the way of interesting circumstances (all detailed in the video below) and then test it by asking the spirits about it. The oil was still flowing when I called my mom and floored her and my dad with the story. As I drove further away from the church and the Bible, the oil began to slow. Around 30 minutes after I left the church, it had stopped and my ears were just oily like the rest of my head, neck and arms. In fact I started this video to disprove a claim about a bible that is said to be leaking holy oil. But something VERY STRANGE happens during the filming of this video. Not only do spirits tell me The house has now become a chapel full of religious icons and pictures, all of which, if you are a believer, inexplicably drip oil. Some are literally drenched in oil. To believers, this is a sign that Audrey, now 15, has healing powers. Many believe the Santos' house is a holy place.